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Insights 2

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and it is Eolas International’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect or receive from you on this website, https://www.eolasinternational.com.

How do Eolas International handle your personal data?

This privacy notice provides information on the ways in which Eolas International, stores, and shares or keeps personal information provided by our customers and website visitors. Eolas International fully respects your right to privacy and actively seeks to preserve the privacy rights of those who share information on this website.
Eolas International will not collect any personal information about you on this website without your knowledge and consent except in cases where it’s required by law to do so (e.g. the investigation of a criminal offence or a breach of policies, procedures or guidelines).

Any personal information which you volunteer to Eolas International will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, in line with Data Protection regulation.
If you are not happy with this Website Privacy Statement you should not use this website. By visiting this website, you are accepting the terms of this Website Privacy Statement.
Any external links to other websites are clearly identifiable, and Eolas International are not responsible for the content or the privacy statements of these other websites. The content on our website created with diligence and care and is regularly reviewed, however Eolas International cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, integrity and actuality of the content. In cases of declaration of violation of rights or any offensive content it deems inappropriate, Eolas International will delete the concerned content as soon as possible. ******************************
As of May 25th, 2018, every European company must comply with new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How do Eolas International handle your personal data?

When you use a form on our website to contact us, sign up for a service or to send us information we keep a record of the details you submit in our secure online database & email inbox. We collect and use these details only to contact you in relation to your query or the reason for which you provided the information. Some examples of forms you may find on this website include:

  • Contact us Form (To submit a query or send us information)
  • Marketing subscription forms (eg. Sign up for our monthly newsletter, sign up to download a case study, etc.)
  • Job application forms

Forms on this website www.eolasinternational.com will only ever collect information that is voluntarily provided by you, we will only ever collect personal information from you with your prior knowledge and consent. 

Why do you keep my personal data?

We keep a record of your personal data so that we can contact you regarding your original request or to provide any services you sign up for. 

Who has access to my personal data?

Your personal data will only be used in line with the reasons for which you provided it, therefore, only the Eolas International staff who are responsible for or involved in handling your request(s) will have access to your personal data.

What happens in case of a security breach?

In the unlikely event that your data is stolen, lost or accessed without authority you and the Data Protection Commissioner will be notified within 72 hours. You will be notified of any breach by phone or email.

How long do we store your data for?

Any information you provide to Eolas International will be stored for a period of time that is deemed necessary when taking into account the reasons for which it was gathered in the first instance.

In general your data will be stored for a period of 7 years

Safety and Security

Security of your data

Your Personal Data is held on secure servers hosted by our Internet Service Provider.  Given the nature of the Internet we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us online. No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. However, we will always take all necessary reasonable steps (including appropriate technical and organisational measures) to protect your Personal Data.

What is Google Analytics & how do Eolas International use it?

Like most websites, we gather statistical and other analytical information collected on an aggregate basis of all visitors to our website. This Non-Personal Data comprises of information that cannot be used to identify or contact you, such as demographic information, browser types, time spent on the website and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of our website. We use this Non-Personal Data gathered from visitors to our website to get a better understanding of how visitors use our website.

How do Eolas International collect and use technical information?

Cookies may be used by this website to collect non-personal information about how visitors use our website. Temporary session cookies may also be used in some areas to enable specific functionality. These temporary session cookies are deleted once you close your browser session.

Definition of cookies are small snippets of data a website may store on your computer to record basic information, such as visitor preferences. Cookies are used to track usage patterns, traffic trends, and visitor behavior. They are also sometimes used by online applications to improve user functionality. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. You may set your browser to refuse cookies from any website that you visit, including the Eolas International website. You should note that if a user sets up his or her browser to reject the cookie, he or she may still use the website, but functionality may be impaired.

Web forms: Some areas on this website use online data entry forms to collect personal information from web visitors who choose to identify themselves for the purpose of receiving services or information, receiving marketing materials or applying for jobs. Areas within our websites that collect data of any type are required to abide by our Privacy Statement. We will only ever request information that is required to fulfill the purpose for which the information is being collected.

Internet service provider: Technical details in connection with visits to our websites may be logged by our internet service provider for accounting and auditing purposes. This technical information will be used only for statistical and other administrative purposes. You should note that technical details, which Eolas International cannot associate with any identifiable individual, do not constitute `personal data’ for the purposes of the Data Protection Act.

Your data & third parties

We will not disclose your Personal Data to third parties unless you have consented to this disclosure or unless the third party is required to fulfill a service you have requested (in such circumstances, the third party is bound by similar data protection requirements). Any third party we disclose the information to will use it for the purposes of delivering the service in question unless you have agreed otherwise.

We will disclose your Personal Data if we believe in good faith that we are required to disclose it in order to comply with any applicable law, a summons, a search warrant, a court or regulatory order, or other statutory requirement.

How can I control my personal data?

You can see the information Eolas International stores on you by sending an email request to: info@eolasinternational.com

If you would like to have your data removed from our database please email: info@eolasinternational.com

Alternatively you can contact us in writing:

FAO: Data Protection Officer

Eolas House,

1101 Euro Business Park,

Little Island,


How to control a marketing subscription

If you have signed up to receive any marketing communications from Eolas International you can manage your preferences using the “unsubscribe” button found at the footer of all of our marketing emails. You can also contact martina@eolasinternational.com to amend, remove or view any personal data we store on you for marketing purposes.

How to contact us for any other queries

You can see the information Eolas International stores on you by sending an email request to: info@eolasinternational.com

If you would like to have your data removed from our database please email: info@eolasinternational.com

Alternatively you can contact us in writing:

FAO: Data Protection Officer

Eolas House,

1101 Euro Business Park,

Little Island,


How to control  a marketing subscription

If you have signed up to receive any marketing communications from Eolas International you can manage your preferences using the “unsubscribe” button found at the footer of all of our marketing emails. You can also contact martina@eolasinternational.com to amend, remove or view any personal data we store on you for marketing purposes.

How to contact us for any other queries

If you need to contact us with regards to anything set out in this policy or regarding this website. You can contact us:

If you would like to have your data removed from our database please email: info@eolasinternational.com

In writing:

FAO: Data Protection Officer

Eolas House,

1101 Euro Business Park,

Little Island,


By Email: info@eolasinternational.com

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